
With literally hundreds of loan products on the market today, it is our job to help you find the right solution to suit your individual needs and servicing ability.

Understanding Borrowing Capacity

Experience personalized lending options tailored to your unique financial situation with Fort Finance. As an accredited mortgage broker with over 30 home loan lenders and their products to access, using your personal and financial information to swiftly determine borrowing amounts from each lender.

We understand that not all lenders assess income types, such as casual income or self-employed income, in the same manner. Our expertise allows us to navigate these intricacies, ensuring you receive the maximum borrowing capacity by identifying lenders who value your income type favorably. Moreover, we stay updated on evolving lender requirements, such as the inclusion of direct credits and turnover details for self-employed applicants. By carefully considering factors like day-to-day living expenses and other crucial criteria, we provide accurate calculations that reflect each lender's unique approach.

With Fort Finance, you can confidently explore diverse borrowing possibilities, secure the funds you need for renovations, investments, or property purchases, and achieve your financial goals.

Application Process

Fort Finance offers a free, personalized service to collect and organize your personal and financial information, ensuring your borrowing application meets the requirements of appropriate lenders in an environment of ever changing banking and finance regulations.

We proactively identify the necessary documents you need to provide upfront, streamlining the application process. Additionally, we liaise with conveyancers, agents, and lenders to ensure smooth communication and timely adherence to important timelines during property purchase.

With access to lenders offering pre-approval applications, we can secure the necessary approval, aiding in the seamless submission of your offer. Once your application is approved, we meticulously handle the issuance, signing, and timely return of documents to the lender, facilitating a smooth settlement.
Unlike impersonal bank channels, our friendly local representatives guide you through the application process, making it hassle-free and easily comprehensible, and most importantly all the while considering your best interest.

Lending Options

At Fort Finance, we understand that choosing the right lending option is crucial. Upon receiving your personal and financial information through our secure client portal, we provide you with a range of tailored options from our preferred lenders.

Standard Variable Loans

Offering flexibility and the added benefit of a 100% offset savings account, this product helps reduce interest charged on your home loan. It may include an annual fee, and the lenders rate can be negotiated. You can make unlimited additional repayments and access redraw facilities.

basic variable loan

This cost-effective option typically comes with a lower interest rate than the standard variable loan. It does not include a 100% offset savings account and usually has no ongoing fees or annual fees. You can make unlimited additional repayments, but the interest rate is generally non-negotiable.

fixed rate loan

With a fixed interest rate over a predetermined period (usually 1-5 years), this loan offers rate stability. Some lenders allow partial or full offset features, which is rare for fixed rate loans. There may be restrictions on additional repayments, and a rate lock fee may be applicable to secure the advertised rate at settlement.

Relocation/ Bridging loan

Ideal for purchasing a new property before selling your current one, this product has become more affordable and is offered at standard rates. It provides a valuable solution to secure your dream property before selling your existing one. We can help calculate ongoing projected interest during the selling process.

Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) Lending

A specialized product offered by a select number of lenders, SMSF lending requires careful navigation to ensure compliance. At Fort Finance, we work closely with all stakeholders, including borrowers, accountants, solicitors, and real estate agents, to ensure the effective and compliant application of this highly regulated lending option.

Let Fort Finance guide you through these lending options, ensuring you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals.

Not sure what kind of loan you need?

The major benefit of using a broker to finance other large purchases besides property is obtaining finance that is tailored to fit your current financial circumstances and needs. With depreciating assets, the right finance can also potentially save you money on interest and fees, or potentially help you maximise your tax benefits. AND MORE – Not sure what kind of loan you need for your current financial circumstances? That’s our job. We deliver tailored finance solutions chosen from a panel of leading lenders, and give you peace of mind that your loan is working for you. Contact us today to find out all the ways we can help you.